National and European Critical Infrastructure


  • Călin MUNTEAN Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara
  • Olimpiu-Ovidiu CORNEA Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine „King Michael I of Romania” from Timişoara
  • Corina VERNIC Discipline of Medical Informatics and Biostatistics, “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Timişoara


National / European Critical Infrastructure, Health Protection, Public Health


What exactly is the national critical infrastructure? According to the law, we identify several conditions that must be met in terms of the vocation of an element, system or component thereof to be identified as a potential national critical infrastructure ("ICN"). The responsible public authorities have numerous attributions regarding the application of the legislation on ICNs, among which: they establish sectoral / intersectoral criteria and related critical thresholds from which an element can be considered ICN / ICE; coordinates the activities specific to the identification process of ICNs / ICEs; endorses the PSOs (security plans) for the ICNs / ICEs under responsibility; propose to the Government the designation of an infrastructure as ICN / ICE; have the attributions of verifying the fulfillment of the obligations by ICNs / ICEs, but also others. Within 9 months of designating an infrastructure as an ICN / ICE, Holders shall develop a security plan (PSO) that identifies the critical infrastructure elements of the ICN / ICE and the security solutions that exist or are to be implemented for their protection. . The plan is sent for approval to the responsible public authorities. The responsible public authorities shall carry out, together with the ICN / ICE Holders, an assessment of the risks and threats to which ICN / ICE is exposed within one year of the designation of the critical infrastructure as ICN / ICE. The evaluation also includes proposals on the need to improve the protection of ICN / ICE designated within the subsectors and is submitted for approval to the Prime Minister. Subsequently, the evaluation is performed annually. IN THE SUMMARY OF THE OPERATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAM 2021 -2027 IT IS MENTIONED THAT Romania's health infrastructure and service delivery framework have not been adapted to modern technologies and do not meet the medical needs of the population, which is why we propose a strategy to identify and achieve parts of ICN Medical at local, regional, national and European level in collaboration with the Center for Coordination of Critical Infrastructure Protection and represents the central specialized unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs responsible for organizing and carrying out activities necessary for the implementation of GEO no. 98/2010 on the identification, designation and protection of critical infrastructures approved with amendments by Law no. 18/2011. In conclusion, the concept of national critical infrastructure in health aims, intuitively, at any critical element for the Romanian state and its population in the absence of which a crisis for any kind of population could arise - health, water supply, living environment, etc. It should be noted that this regulation envisages that by designating an objective as ICN / ICE and imposing the mentioned obligations to ensure the continuity and safety of those objectives, and in no case to impose unnecessary bureaucracy on potential ICNs / ICEs.




How to Cite

MUNTEAN C, CORNEA O-O, VERNIC C. National and European Critical Infrastructure. Appl Med Inform [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 5 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];43(Suppl. S1):10. Available from:



Special Issue - RoMedINF