Informatics in nursing. Current and future trends


  • Corina VERNIC “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timişoara, Piaţa Eftimie Murgu, no. 2, 300041 Timişoara, Romania


Nursing informatics, IMIA-NI, Electronic Health Record


The need for knowledge in the medical field and computerization, have increased significantly in this century and from the point of view of nurses. It is essential that future basic training programs for nurses include concepts related to the role of computer technology in clinical practice. We have mentioned several classification systems in nursing, useful in generating and processing nursing databases, to facilitate the description and comparison of nursing practices (International Clinical for Nurses Practice (ICNP), North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA), Clinical Care Classification (CCC), and the Nursing Diagnostic System of the Center for Nursing Development and Research (ZEFP)). We tried to apply the IMIA-NI plan: Strategic plan 2017-2020 as accurately as possible. Applying the strategic plan, we have elaborated IMIA-NI Representative Annual Report Nursing Informatics / Romania 2019. In order to raise the level of computer science education in nursing, we developed an innovative curricula model in medical informatics, biostatistics; masters were created so that nurses could obtain the necessary credits for enrollment at the next important stage, at the doctorate, thus resulting in a developed research. The vision for the future will be the use of telemedicine, telenursing, to exchange information from one place to another, in order to improve the patient's health. Nurses will be able to access electronic patient record (EHR), provide patients with health care information, as well as educational materials. As such, nurses must be sustained by excellent electronic records of medical data, as well as other technologies. Information technology will provide this profession with a faster capacity for producing and disseminating new knowledge in the field of nursing. The brief presentation of the justifying terminologies in nursing practice has introduced several of the information management tools used by nurses in their work.




How to Cite

VERNIC C. Informatics in nursing. Current and future trends. Appl Med Inform [Internet]. 2019 Sep. 13 [cited 2025 Jan. 26];41(Suppl. 1):35. Available from:



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