National training system for simulation in anesthesia and intensive therapy and other specialties – SimLab


  • Dorina Cristina SULIŢANU Emergency County Hospital, Timişoara – Anesthesia and Intensive care unit, Liviu Rebreanu Str., no.156, 300723 Timișoara, Romania
  • Ovidiu BEDREAG “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timişoara, Piaţa Eftimie Murgu no. 2, 300041 Timişoara, Romania
  • Corina VERNIC “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timişoara, Piaţa Eftimie Murgu no. 2, 300041 Timişoara, Romania


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Introduction: The SimLab project addresses quality performance issues in emergency care,
through a systemic approach to the lifelong learning program. Aim: The main educational
objective is to train the residents of anesthesia and intensive care, the students, as well as the
nurses. Materials and Methods: The SimLab project emerged from the need to develop practical
skills and improve the quality of the medical act. The capacity of the simulation centers will be
supported both by implementing training courses and by supporting the appropriate equipment
and materials. Specific maneuvers will be practiced in accordance with the curriculum. Training
sessions will be organized through clinical scenarios with varying degrees of difficulty and
carrying out an examination program. The development of the modules will be determined
according to the curriculum and the objectives pursued. Results: The aim is to create new
simulation centers and train new trainers. New partnerships will be created between simulation
centers and medical universities, the implementation of a well-established practical basis and the
training of trainers. The simulation activities follow a protocol developed by the SimLab
teachers and instructors, specifying the educational objectives, the way to achieve them, as well
as the necessary equipment. During the SRATI Congress 2019 - Sinaia, workshops and trainings
were organized. These continued in the simulation centers in Târgu Mureş and Munich. A
simulation center was created in Timişoara, proposing to obtain, until 2021, the international
accreditation SESAM. New simulation centers will be created. Conclusions: The achievement of
a national training system in anesthesia and intensive care and other specialties has been
achieved, with an important role in strengthening a base in the deepening of the main techniques
practiced in major emergencies.




How to Cite

SULIŢANU DC, BEDREAG O, VERNIC C. National training system for simulation in anesthesia and intensive therapy and other specialties – SimLab. Appl Med Inform [Internet]. 2019 Sep. 14 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];41(Suppl. 1):36. Available from:



Special Issue - RoMedINF