Stereotypes and Prejudices in HR Industry in Romania


  • Simina GHERASIM-ARDELEAN Department of Psychology, Babeş-Bolyai University, 37 Republicii, 400015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Tel: 650-5395645; Fax: 650-3761849.
  • Maura GORAŞ Department of Psychology, Babeş-Bolyai University, 37 Republicii, 400015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania.


HR companies, Trainers, Stereotypes, Prejudices, Economical crisis.


In this paper we aimed to reveal the effects of the crisis in HR area, the stereotypes and prejudicesclients have about Romanian HR companies, training programs and trainers and the ideal profile ofa trainer. The effects of the crisis in HR are: the stagnation of the number of clients in thecompany’s portfolio, the decreasing in the number of contracted training, the decreasing of thetraining prices and project-based contracts with trainers instead of permanent job contracts. Wefind that two important features a trainer should have are connected with the age of the trainer andpersonality traits. A good trainer is expected to have an age between 30 and 50 years and a pleasantpersonality. Most of the correlations obtained between stereotypes and prejudices are positive.Almost all items correlated with the others. Demographic data correlated also with items.Respondent’s education correlates positively with the number of the training classes attended andstereotypes on trainer’s age. The more educated the respondent is, the more likely is to haveattended a greater number of trainings and tend to prefer mature trainer to young trainer (under 30years old). The more mature respondents tend to prefer foreign trainers and mature trainers. Age ofthe respondent and trainer’s country of provenience and age are positively correlated.


How to Cite

GHERASIM-ARDELEAN S, GORAŞ M. Stereotypes and Prejudices in HR Industry in Romania. Appl Med Inform [Internet]. 2011 Mar. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];28(1):53-61. Available from:


