Identification and Hierarchy of Main Electronic Health Record Components in Occupational Medicine


  • Dorin TRIFF Occupational Medicine Section of Professional Diseases, “Constantin Opris” Emergency Hospital of Baia Mare, 31 George Coşbuc, 430031, Baia Mare, Romania.
  • Andrei ACHIMAŞ CADARIU “Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Medical Informatics and Biostatistics Department, 6 Louis Pasteur, 400349 Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania.


Electronic health record, Electronic patient record, Occupational medicine


Starting from the legal requirements relating to structuring of medical records in occupational medicine and international requirements regarding the certification of electronic health records we have focused on structuring and then evaluating an EHR model in occupational medicine that integrates the main functions and certification criteria required by the European and US certification bodies. The application we designed, called Medmun, structured for use in occupational medicine practices based on the model of medical file provided by the Romanian legislation, integrates both necessary components of occupational medicine practice for administration of characteristic information related to socio-economic unit, work place, health surveillance as well as components of specific EHR functionality. The application has been submitted for free evaluation by specialist physicians of five counties over a period of nine months and subsequently assessed using a questionnaire on the usefulness of specific functional components in the EHR occupational medicine practice. The model was positively evaluated after experimental employment by occupational health practitioners. They consider that absence of legislative support for EHR implementation in medical practice is the main obstacle to the use of such applications in occupational medicine practice.


How to Cite

TRIFF D, ACHIMAŞ CADARIU A. Identification and Hierarchy of Main Electronic Health Record Components in Occupational Medicine. Appl Med Inform [Internet]. 2011 Jan. 18 [cited 2024 Oct. 7];27(4):7-14. Available from:


