Method for Automated Screening of Cytological Slides


  • Ramona GĂLĂTUȘ Medical Informatics, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca
  • Sorina PERŎA Computer Science, Technical Univeristy Of Cluj-Napoca
  • Liliana NEAGA Districtual Hospital of Zalău
  • Tiberiu MARIŢA Computer Science, Technical Univeristy Of Cluj-Napoca
  • Daniel MOGA Computer Science, Technical Univeristy Of Cluj-Napoca
  • Mihai R. DUMITREAN Computer Science, Technical Univeristy Of Cluj-Napoca
  • Viorel TRIFA Computer Science, Technical Univeristy Of Cluj-Napoca


Intelligent environment for medical assistance, Medical imaging and telemedicine, Intelligent measurement systems, Robots and intelligent positioning systems.


The traditional process for detecting the cervical cancer is called Pap smear testing and it is the most widely used screening technique. The pathologists diagnose the smear according to its normality or abnormality. The huge number of slides to be analyzed requires an automated computer-aided system which can help in diagnosis process. This paper proposes architecture appropriate for a system that automatically scans the slides and extracts the regions of interests looking for signs of precancerous and cancerous changes.



How to Cite

GĂLĂTUȘ R, PERŎA S, NEAGA L, MARIŢA T, MOGA D, DUMITREAN MR, TRIFA V. Method for Automated Screening of Cytological Slides. Appl Med Inform [Internet]. 2011 May 19 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];15(3, 4):73-9. Available from:


